
Educ_Action is our program that was created under the Abacus program It supports the transition out of the middle-school years and into high school, including Grade 9 and the transition into and through Grade 10. What makes this approach different from the Kusoma program is that we focus on the pedagogical and mental health.
Not only we support students in literacy and maths program, but this program has also its focus on early intervention that gets students and their parents thinking about life after high school – during their pivotal middle school years, which are characterized by significant developmental changes. Recognizing that “Kids have stress too” is halfway to solving this issue. Our mental health sessions are designed into workshop and consist in: Managing stress, identifying emotions, stay positive, self affirmation, nurturing relationships, coping with peer pressure. These activities will help youth to be more resilient and better able to cope with whatever life sends their way and not drop out of school.