
Afroliteracy is a program designed for Black youth and Youth of other ethnic background aged 8 to 12 attending French schools and English schools in Hamilton. Through this program, we encourage young Black children to understand their history and identity through African literature. This program is also an opportunity for children of other ethnic background to learn Black history. The books are classified into several categories such as History of Africa in the Age of Kingdoms, Black Identity, Black Personalities, African Tales, etc. Children choose books from each category and have a deadline to read those books. Our program manager follows up with children weekly to encourage them to read. At the end of the project, the children will make a representation of their choice on what they have learned about their identity or Black history (a drawing, a poem, a work of art, a portfolio etc.). This program begins in February and ends in June with a celebration with an African author or artist. As a reward for participating in the program, each child will receive a $25 voucher and a Rafiki sweater.
Our Afrolibrary is open to the public every Wednesday from 10 AM till 2 PM to those who wish to gain information on Black history and culture.

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